The Lex & Terry Show is an original blend of vibrant personalities and engaging conversations on lifestyle, relationships, current events, news, sports, pop culture, and opinion with a ton of edgy humor. With all that there’s regular contesting, give aways and guests from the TV, film, music, sports, literary spectrums as well. On the air since 1997, Lex & Terry bridge the gap between talk show and entertainment, creating an intoxicating lifestyle program that appeals to men...and yes, the ladies dig them too!

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Terry & Sarah Did Their Thang On SYL

Sarah Met Dracula at Crumbl Cook

Vampires like cookies too!

Another Fat Fight

Nobody can look away from one

You Cow


Dee's Kinda Creepy

Sounds like he should play for Radiohead

It's A Ginger Thang

It's a ginger thing, and you wouldn't understand

Sarah's Mom Is Going 2 See Tiesto

Tiesto has been around forever 

Great Sex Tip from Terry

Sex tips are always welcome

The Hate Is Real for the Dallas Cowboys

Tough out there for Cowboys fans

Yes Ice Cream Men Are Creepy

I scream, you scream, we all scream...